Tuesday, November 08, 2011

JFSR Show 8 KIller Groove Music Library

Hi Guys,

Dark and pretty wet/cold here in the UK, so what better than a link to the Killer Groove Music LIbrary Tuesday afternoon radio show (4pm-6pm UK time) on JFSR.co.uk


Let me know all is good, sound etc and email me on djmayafra@jfsr.co.uk if you need a tracklist etc.

Until then


ps. as Xmas approaches, I will be uploading more LP's with pics and tracks to the site.


Anonymous said...

Hey Rich!

Still waiting on that all elusive track list! I'll take a list for as many shows as you can provide!! Also what is the name of the track you use for your intro? It's awesome.


(Kings Groove)

Killer Groove Music Library said...

Hi Carl,

Tracklist for show 8 sent to you in email. Will get the others done shortly.



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