Saturday, December 18, 2010

Artist: Montego Joe
Label: Stateside EMI Records (SL 10159)
Year of Release: 1964
Album Title: Jarriba!
Stand out Track(s): Too Much Saki; Dakar; Fat Man


Unknown said...

Hola Killer, New Years greetings from Espana. I wanted to thank you for your informative blog and the hard work you must put in. I don't leave as many comments as I should, buzzing around blog land and all over the web, but I want to take this opportunity to thank you.

I also wanted to inform you that I put to your blog on my blog watch 'Information Inspiration'. It's really a big personal blog roll, but I'm sure some music fans will find it useful;

Today I launched a new blog 'Rhythm And Groove' which you may want to check out when you have the time;

Una mas, muchas gracias para todo... and wishing you a prosperous 2011.


PSGP said...

Another great collection. Thanks.

ΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ/Christos said...

Tribute to M.Thoedorakis(1000 sings free download), M.Petrucciani, Yma Sumac here

adm said...

Thank you very mutch for all your postings
the web is a happier place with killergrove.

Desdemona said...

booooo @ not posting full albums

ugetsu said...

Desdemona you fanny!!! the mans trying to inform and educate by giving you a taste of the goodness held within!!! if you like ,get of your backside and do some digging!!!


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